Rhinoplasty Or Nose Feminization

In most women, the nose is smaller and finer as compared to men’s. The differences show in several parts, such as the size of the dorsum, nostrils, tip, including the naso-frontal angle that forms when the nose meets the forehead which, in the case of women, is more open.

To remodel and feminize the nose, the surgeon gains access to the bones and cartilages through the nostrils. In most cases, he smoothes out the dorsum and the sides of the septum, and performs small incisions in the cartilages to refine the tip. In the case of patients with very wide nostrils, it is recommendable to reduce the wings, by performing two small incisions. It is generally said that the nose represents one fourth of the facial harmony and, in order to reshape it, the doctor must take into account the whole set of face proportions.

This procedure comprises an interdisciplinary surgery, including otorhinolaryngology, to preserve nose functionality (appropriate breathing). In case the patient evidences previous respiratory problems, caused by any nasal defect, the surgeon will use this operation to correct it. This type of surgery must only be carried out by a well-trained specialist.

Anesthesia, Hospitalization and Recovery

Anesthesia may be general or local. After surgery, you only need a brief rest at the clinic, and your may return home in a few hours. The most frequent discomfort in a rhinoplasty is having to breathe by the mouth, as the nostrils will be covered with gauze, placed by the doctor to avoid hemorrhages and infections. On the other hand, a small plaster will cover your nose during the first ten days.

The pain depends on each person, as some do not feel any pain at all. It is advisable to eat a soft diet during the first two days and carry out little physical activity. If you do not mind to be seen with the plaster on your nose, you may return to work one week after the operation. Ten days after the surgery, the doctor with remove the plaster and you will see that your nose is swollen, but the inflammation will gradually subside, and you will observe the final result in six or eight months.


The complications which may occur are:

Infections.- All our patients are medicated with the respective antibiotics, according to the type or surgery they have undergone. This reduces the possible infections of the procedure to a minimum.

Adverse reactions to anesthesia

All patients must go through a pre-surgical process, and must undergo the following tests:

– Complete blood and urine tests, radiology, cardiology, and pulmonology tests, among others. These tests reduce the possibility of complications during surgery and subsequently.

Asymmetries.- Due to our doctors’ experience and the accurate diagnoses, this type of situation is very unlikely and corrigible.

We are presenting below the diverse surgeries that compose the Facial Feminization process.