
Liposuction is a plastic surgery intended to correct different body areas with fat deposits that may not disappear with exercises and a balanced diet. This plastic surgery is mainly applied to the abdomen, hips and thighs, although liposuction may also be carried out in the neck, face, arms and in all the places where excessive fat may accumulate. In trans-women, it is ideal for giving the body a more feminine contour.


In liposuction surgery, the surgeon first marks the targeted areas where the fat is going to be removed. Then, after the anesthesia has been applied (through small incisions), he introduces a thin tube called liposuction cannula, connected to a vacuum device that suctions the fat. In some occasions, this surgery is ultrasound-assisted, for an easier fat suctioning, as ultrasound vibrations help break the fat cells.

A liposuction generally lasts between one and two hours, although the duration may vary according to each case.

Anesthesia, hospitalization and recovery

Liposuction is generally performed under local anesthesia; however, general anesthesia may be used if the surgery covers a very large area. A liposuction may or may not require hospitalization, depending on the location and magnitude of the surgery; twenty-four hours after the surgery, the patient is ready to resume her daily activities During the first week, the patient must use a girdle and avoid physical exertion; she will also experience pain when she moves, as well as a sensation of discomfort. We recommend massages to treat possible inflammations or correct skin irregularities. The final result may be partially appreciated two months alter the surgery, although the final results of the liposuction will appear after six months.

Possible complications

Our surgeons are highly qualified to prevent any post-operatory complication. In the case of a liposuction, the risks may be:

Infections.- All our patients are medicated with the respective antibiotics, according to the type or surgery they have undergone. This prevents any type of infection and reduces the possible infections of the procedure to a minimum.

Asymmetries.- Due to our doctors’ experience and the accuracy in the marking of the zones to be operated, this type of situation is very unlikely.

Accumulation of fluids (which must be drained)

Adverse reactions to anesthesia.

All patients must go through a pre-surgical process, and must undergo the following tests:

Complete blood and urine tests, radiology, cardiology, and pulmonology tests, among others. These tests reduce the possibility of irregularities during surgery and subsequently.