Buttock Augmentation
Buttocks are one of the most attractive features of a woman’s body and determine her sensuality to a great extent. If this part of your body is not very developed, femilife helps you transform it into another appealing feature of your beauty.

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Implants and Lipoinjection
There are two medically safe ways to increase this zone:
1- Lipoinjection or Fat Infiltration
When the patient has enough fat deposits, it is possible to perform a liposuction together with the gluteal augmentation method, which improves the contour of the area close to the buttocks as an additional benefit. Once the adipose tissue has been obtained, it is transferred to the buttocks through cannulae, shaping them as desired.
The cannulae are introduced through small incisions, from 2 to 5 mm, in non-visible areas, in order not to leave visible scars
In very rare cases, a great part of the grafted fat is reabsorbed by the body, after a few months.
2.- Silicone Prosthesis
When patients are very thin and their fat deposits are minimal, we prefer to use silicone implants. Through an incision of 4 to 5 cm, the implants are placed in the sacral area, positioned exactly over the intergluteal cleft. The implants are introduced under the gluteus maximus muscle. The small scar will be hidden by the underwear.
Both techniques take from two to three hours.
Anesthesia, Hospitalization and Recovery
General anesthesia is mostly use, although epidural anesthesia may also be an option. The stay at the clinic will depend on the type of anesthesia used. This surgery causes a moderate pain, but some patients do not feel any pain at all, just a mere discomfort, such as inflammation.
During the first two weeks you must rest face down, and you will be able to sit ten days after the surgery. You may resume work, provided you do not move a lot or perform heavy work, and you do not have to remain seated for a long time.
For three weeks after the operation, you must use a girdle over the treated area. For best recovery, it is important to maintain a perfect hygiene of the wounds produced by the incisions. A post-operatory depression is normal, which will subside once you see the excellent results obtained and the splendid figure your have achieve, making you feel fully satisfied.
Possible Complications
Our surgeons are highly qualified to prevent any post-operatory complication. In the case of a gluteal augmentation, the risks may be:
Infections. – All our patients are medicated with the respective antibiotics, according to the type or surgery they have undergone. This prevents any type of infection and reduces the possible infections of the procedure to a minimum.
Asymmetries. – Due to our doctors’ experience and accurate diagnoses, this type of complication is very unlikely and corrigible.
– Adverse reactions to anesthesia.
All patients must go through a pre-surgical process, and must undergo the following tests:
– Complete blood and urine tests, radiology, cardiology, and pulmonology tests, among others. These tests reduce the possibility of irregularities during surgery and subsequently.
Keloid formation is very rare.